Saturday, July 23, 2011

How MySpace Tom May Have Inadvertently Triggered The Google/Facebook War

Gotta love Tom Anderson. Newly reinvigorated by the launch of Google+, "MySpace Tom" has become a social power user (and regular TechCrunch contributor!). As a man at the forefront of the early days of the social wars, he's obviously full of information. And today he decided to share a bit more. This time, it's a fascinating story about the time Microsoft, not Google, was about to land the MySpace ad deal. In a comment on (where else) Google+, Anderson tells the story in response to my most recent post about the Google/Facebook war before Google+. Based on a Quora thread, I noted that the 2006 search/ad deal Google signed with MySpace (Fox Interactive Media) may have been the true kick-off of hostilities between Google and Facebook. As a result, Microsoft signed Facebook ? which later led to the famous investment.


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